It all begins with an emotion……
In the Sandalwood box, I hope you find that each of the creatives that comes out has a fascinating story to tell. Every craft is influenced by deep cultural history, carrying the sentiments and flavors of its roots.
And is always crafted with love.

A maximalist at heart, this project was an exercise in ‘keeping it simple’ and letting the essential shine.

Kashmiri Papier-mâché Box
A richly decorated colorful artifact made of paper pulp, Kashmiri papier-mâché is a handicraft of Kashmir that was brought by Muslim saint Mir Sayyid Ali Hamadani from Persia in the 14th century to medieval India.

Stenciled Otomi Tenango
Based off of cliff painting in the Tepehua-Otomi mountains or possibly inspired by cave paintings in the Mexican Plateau area are these eye catching Otomi textiles. While some of the shapes tend to be more abstract, most of them are based on motifs that can date back to hundreds of years ago.

Mexican Huichol Art
The beading style known as Huichol (pronounced wet-chol) is generally ascribed to a process of covering a 3-dimensional form in a single layer of beads, like a mosaic, but with distinctive patterns using geometric shapes and bright colors.

Faux Bone Inlay
The timeless art of Bone inlay: an ancient decorative technique that involves embedding delicate, hand-carved pieces of bone into the surface of an object. The result makes for a striking pattern–often floral or geometric–of contrasting colors and materials that add surface splendor to any room.

Memories of a Scooter: an embroidered birthday wish
Spending time with stories of the past. Memories and moments are the most beautiful things in life and no memory is ever alone; it's a trail of memories each with its own associations.

Lippan Kaam
Pristine, elegant pieces of art made out of rustic clay and mirrors.
Reminds me of Rumi’s quote: “Do not see yourself as a body of clay, see yourself as a mirror reflecting the divine beauty.”

Home Sweet Home Embroidered Wreath
Handmade embroidered gifts; treasured pieces that speaks from the giver’s soul to the receiver’s heart.

Kogin Embroidery
Embroidery from Japan: Simple stitches meant for darning and adding warmth to clothing; so much beauty in its simplicity and functionality.

Brazilian Embroidery
Brazilian Embroidery…This one I find so engaging.
Interestingly, it has nothing to do with Brazil!

Swedish Embroidery
Embroidered scented pillows made inspired by Delsbosöm Embroidery from Sweden; embroidery that is so beautiful in its simplicity

Hungarian Embroidery
Saying it with stitches; an embroidery project inspired by Hungarian Folk Embroidery and memories from my childhood.

Mexican Bordado
Stitching Memories from Mexico, one stitch at a time

Love Birds
Mated for life, love birds mythology is seen almost all over the world. No animal represents the sentiment of love more than love birds. Very interesting stories from across the globe but read on for two snippets from Indian Mythology.

Painted Metal Bucket
A folk art inspired painted bucket with parrots and flowering vines.
Read on to see what I wish I had done differently.

Picture Frame
What a difference a frame makes!

Madhubani Lampshade
A lampshade in the Madhubani style of painting to brighten up a little corner.
Madhubani Bookmarks

Rama Phad Painting
Story of Guha, the Kewat in Ramyana